Sunday, October 28, 2012

Busy Bee

Why hello,I know it has been ages since I updated my blog. Been busy for the past few years(?). Well currently working with Airasia as Tech Services Engineer specializing in Avionics. I know, some of you will go like huh? but yeah. Basically if they wanted to troubleshoot the a/c especially for all the electronic equipments and antennas, they'll refer to a manual, and if the problem still persist, that's when I will come in and recommend a solution for them. MOstly I will be contacting Airbus and the component manufacturer like Thales, Honeywell, GE and such. Apart from work, I am also busy with marathons and mountain climbing :) Well, I'll talk to you guys in a couple of week:)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

home for fasting!

i am currently at home.
yes,i am a spoiled.i love food,and being around the ppl that i love and... shopping and FOOD.
yes,almost one moth passed and i am having my gastronomical fiesta!!
i've been eating non-stop.
except on daytime which is the time i have to fast and only exercise twice a week for an hour.that is DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH.
and yesterday when i was trying to wax my hand,there's a major malfunction.
my bf said that i am not a waxing/shaving person.i should just jump to laser.LOL.
that's very mean of him:( but true.LOL!
and currently i am starting to get stressed.
because i have to go back to TOKYO knowing there's a whole loads of work waiting for me:(
if u only see me in fb,u'll prolly see the pictures too..(ahah!STALKER!LOL)but those pictures are during the fun time which is a tiny speck of my time please do not think that i am having fun here,for i am NOT!
the workload is infinity but i know i just have to keep on going.
dang ENGINEERING!why can't i take up Fashion Advert or something!!
but anyways,i got three job offers now:) not sure which to pick yet!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


hello folks!
my exam is so near and yet i can't wait for it to be over so that i could chill lab's pretty much excruciatingly life is hectic,and the only way i could chill out is hitting the gym.basically that's what i do.wait,scratch that,THAT IS THE ONLY THING I DO.lab-gym-home-lab-gym-home.anyways,i don't really have time to write now.because..instead of supposedly JUST studying,i'll do it WHILE watching house M.D. muehehehe (that is a new way to laugh for me).

I MISS HOME,GRANDMERE,DADDY,MOMMY,HAKEEM(pls dun tell him,he is one annoying brother),CUTE AUNTIES AND COUSINS.and GRANDMERE is in MEDAN now,shopping telekung (for my wedding hantaran..bole x?ntah bile la plak aku nak kawen)and i ASKED her, why do u wanna but it so early?she just said i'll buy laces for your engagement's baju kurung too.(-_-")
then i said,owh cool nak due,satu kaler putih satu kaler hitam.muehehehe! then she just said okay,without asking why do i need two pair of baju kurung for my engagement.haha!(p.s:berangan je dulu.lame lagi nak tunang2 kawen2 ni)so cute la my grandma. toodles!
hopefully my mom does not know existance of this blog.muehehe!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

wedding vow (yeah, right!)

to the one n only future husband,
where ever you are,
i hope u will not steal,lie and cheat.
but if u must steal,
steal my sorrow away,
if u must lie,
lie with me the whole day,everyday,
if u must cheat,
cheat death in every way.

your future wife.

I shall write this to my husband on my wedding day.

[p/s] i want my THIS particular wedding dress.

Friday, May 7, 2010


owh what a busy weekend,it doesn't feel like a golden week at all..except when i hangout with, this job-hunting is really wearing me out.but yeah, i am still waiting a reply from NTT, Rohm Semiconductor as sales engineer and Panasonic as their International Trade sumting (i'm not so sure).my parents are insisting of me being a "normal" engineer, i 'm like gosh, i'm not gonna sit on a lab and make myself fat, i wanna meet people, this is what i really wanna,and i really feel good bout it.this pressure is killing me man, i do not know how exactly o explain it to them,it's just i prefer meeting people rather than sitting in a lab or worst, factory. besides, i f i wanna be an engineer,they'll send me far away from kl. which is a BIG NO for me.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

plan A

hey u guys,sorry for the looongggg MIA!
well,i am currently freakishly busy with my research lab (uhuh!i'm a geek or at least turning into one) my job-hunting, and some research/thinking for my postgraduate plan.
i have a few choices in my hands,and i am very super extremely confuse with what i really wanna do,because it is all depends on my scholarship for the master and the job offer (hey,they might appoint me as their new chief for fashion engineering department-I WISH!)okay,here's are some options that i have:

(a)get a great job as a business engineer in Malaysia/Japan/Singapore/UK/Europe(told ya it's a lot of choice)
note:when i say a great job,it means high pay along with a lot of benefit. and i will still be doing my postgraduate couple of years after that.

(b)continue my master in Japan,that means I have to get other scholarships because I need the one that actually gimme the money on time

(c)master in UK or US - i've looked up in the Internet and there is plenty of scholarship to pursue to UK

and when i'm old and have a lot of money along with a little bit of baldness from the thinking, i shall do what i wanna do the most. which is fashion advertising. i'll do that in Paris,and oh!i am learning some French by myself!:D Amour à Paris

P.S:checkout the looklet widget!u could see all my effort!haha!

Friday, February 5, 2010

sumtin bout me ;)

B - BIRTHDAY: 29th July (That's 5days after his bday)
C - CRUSHING ON: too much to be fit in this page.
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD:Oishii Gyunyiu (translation: susu sedap - tacky kan?)
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: My dad,grandma and boyfie. (but when they nag, whew!)
F - FAVORITE SONG: Runaway Train by Soul Asylum ;)
H - HOMETOWN: The ever grand Shah ALAM..(smgt lebey lak)
I - IN LOVE WITH: Mr. MF Jauhary and Justin Timberlake, i dunno la which one to choose..;p
J - JUGGLE: they have 8 steps or so, i only got to the 5th step!
K - KILLED SOMEONE: in an Counter Strike game!
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE:can't remember..
O - ONE WISH: Would love to study fashion and international trade.
R - REASON TO SMILE: None, i am too broke to be smiling.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: James Wendt - So much more to say (sedih woo lagu ini.. T_T)
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: School days at 7:00; Weekends - i am not sure if i am up on weekends

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: can't really remmbr and to lazy to peek..
V - VEGETABLE(S): i like em all!
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Torso and my elbow for hairline fracture
Y - YOYOS ARE: something i did when i was 10..;p